Projects that I am currently working on, but which are not finished or are just in the concept stage.
This is a page on my website, so far it is just an introduction to the concept of sound, but I plan to include discussions of basic musical theory and the cool things you can do when not constrained by notes or instruments in any way.
I am currently working on making a Luanti (fka minetest) or Minecraft replacement that can run on computers without 3d hardware acceleration. Basically the inspiration was that thinking about using older computers in everyday life, than realising that the lack of GPU would make playing survivaly block games impracticle, so I decided to make one to see if a fast software rendered block game was possible. No shade on the software renderer that Luanti uses, but it struggles on my scrungly little acer aspire one.
It has a current git repository, though no build instructions because the server protocol is very unfinished and its not fun yet.
Fennec is a programming language I have been working on, basically since I first learnt how to program. Over the years it has changed alot, and the current name is at least the fourth one I've given it.
In 2022 I got a working version of Fennec that compiles to assembly, which is near to what my current idea for the language is.
I'm still undecided on lisp-like function style vs mathematic function style, or the implementation but some of the things that have coalesced are:
Possum is an operating system I am slowly designing. It's sort of a microkernel, and it 'might' end up being distributed, or at least able to become distributed.
There is an old git repository but it's mostly just me messing around with basic osdev stuff trying to get things to happen.
My aim is to finish Fennec first, than move onto developing Possum, which would make getting basic programs running easier, and I want to have a system that can run non-elf executables with just the executable machine code.